Please contact email at the bottom of the page for any questions regarding registration.
This year for the Envirothon event we will be requiring chaperones for each team attending, each school team is required to have one chaperone, and schools that are sending more than one team must have one chaperone per team.
After you have registered, please have a Parent or Guardian print and fill out the Permission Slip Form. This form can be found below and submitted with your registration for all students.
Winning Team Announcements
The scores of participating teams with be tallied on site and the winners of the Long Island Regional Envirothon with be announced the day of the competition. In the event that time constraints or other unforeseen circumstances cause a delay in the competition, the Nassau and Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District’s reserve the right to complete grading after the official end of the event and announce winners and runners up as they are determined.