I. Abiotic Factors
A. Water Cycle
B. Watershed Features
1. Stream Order
2. Stream Health Factors
3. Identify Boundaries
C. Water Conditions
1. Physical
2. Chemical
3. Biological
II. Biotic Factors
A. Energy Flow
B. Carrying Capacity
C. Identify Aquatic Species (Plants, Fish, Amphibians, Micro and Macro Invertebrates)
1. Common
a. Basic Physiology
b. Lifecycles
c. Habitat
2. Rare, Threatened, Endangered
3. Invasive
4. Water Quality indicators
III. Aquatic Environments
A. Wetlands
1. Definition
2. Characteristics
3. Functions/Importance/Values
B. Riparian Zones
C. Aquifers and Groundwater
D. Ponds and Lakes
1. Temperature Zones
2. Vegetation
IV. Water Protection and Conservation
A. Water Quality and Pollution
1. Groundwater
2. Surface Water
B. Types of Pollution
1. Point Source
2. Nonpoint Source
3. Thermal
4. Control methods
C. Management and Legislation
1. Laws
2. Agencies
For successful completion of the aquatics section, contestants should be able to:
• Know the processes and phases for each part of the water cycle and understand the water cycle's role in soil erosion, groundwater recharge, and climatic influences.
• Understand the concept and components of a watershed and be able to identify stream orders and watershed boundaries. Know the features of a healthy watershed and an unhealthy watershed.
• Know how to interpret water and biological quality tests and understand why aquatic organisms and water quality is affected by the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the water and how it impacts aquatic environments.
• Understand the dependence of all organisms on one another and how energy and matter flow within an aquatic ecosystem.
• Understand the concept of carrying capacity for a given aquatic ecosystem, and be able to discuss how water usage may affect the ability of the system to sustain different needs.
• Identify common, rare, threatened and endangered aquatic species as well as aquatic invasive species.
• Identify aquatic and wetland environments based on their physical, chemical and biological characteristics.
• Know characteristics of different types of aquifers, and understand historical trends and threats to groundwater quantity and quality.
• Understand the benefits and ecological functions and values of riparian zones, wetlands and open water systems and be able to identify the associated zone areas.
• Be familiar with both NYS and federal water protection laws and the agencies that enforce those laws. Understand the requirements for required permits.
• Understand concepts and practices to manage non-point source pollution from agricultural, forest and land under development.
• Be familiar with general terminology and definitions pertaining to the subject area.
1. A lake ecosystem is termed “phosphorous limited” if:
a. adding nitrogen to the lake causes increased phytoplankton growth
b. adding phosphorus to the lake causes increased phytoplankton growth
c. adding nitrogen to the lake causes decreased phytoplankton growth
d. adding phosphorus to the lake causes decreased phytoplankton growth
e. adding phosphorus to the lake causes no change in phytoplankton growth
2. Pacific salmon (Onchorhyncus spp.) are an example of the “anadromy” life history because they do which of the following:
a. fish spend most of their lives in freshwater and then migrate to the sea for breeding
b. fish spawn in freshwater but juveniles drift back to the ocean where adults spend most of their lives
c. adult female fish die immediately after spawning
d. adults can metamorphose from male to female under high density pressures
e. none of the above
3. Which of the following would NOT be considered a benthic macroinvertebrate organism?
a. Diatom
b. Decapod
c. Gastropod
d. Ephemeroptera
e. Bivalvia
4. The water in jar “A” was collected from the surface of a mesotrophic system; the water in jar “B” was collected from the surface of a eutrophic system. What physical parameter should show the greatest difference between these two water samples?
a. Temperature
b. Dissolved oxygen concentration
c. Turbulence
d. Turbidity
e. Salinity
5. Identify the creature making this call by listening to the tape.
a. Wood frog
b. Pickerel frog
c. Spring peeper
d. Green frog
6. If a New York state stream contains a wild trout population then a permit is required to construct a road crossing it. Which of the following agencies would issue the needed permit?
a. United States Fish and Wildlife Service
b. Soil and Water Conservation District
c. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
d. United States Environmental Protection Agency
e. New York State Department of Transportation
7. Because they produce so much plant biomass and invertebrate life, estuaries and their coastal marshes serve as important nursery areas for the young of many game (recreational) and commercial fish and shellfish. Which of the following fish species is dependent upon coastal wetlands?
a. Brown trout
b. Atlantic chad
c. Northern pike
d. Flounder
8. One of the main functions of a healthy watershed is the temporarily storage and transportation of water from the land surface to the water body. Over time, streams develop into defined drainage networks. Which of the following is not a recognized drainage pattern?
a. Parallel
b. Spiral
c. Angular
d. Dendritic
I. Abiotic Factors
Water Science Basics, Watershed, Stream Classisfication, Stream Geomorphology
II. Biotic Factors
Primers for Aquatic Plants, Pond Stream, Eurasian Watermilfoil
III. Aquatic Environments
Threats to Wetlands, Wetland Types, Types of Wetland, Wetland Functions, Protecting Wetlands for Amphibians and Reptiles, Lacustine, Palustine, Ranks Glossary, Riverine, Terrestrial System, Aquifers, Groundwater
IV. Water Protection and Conservation
Urban Runoff Fact Sheet, Managing NPS from Agriculture, Managing NPS from Households, Clean Water Act, Wetland Regulation Authority
Aquatic Ecology
Non Point Source Pollution
Macro Invertebrates
Macroinverebrate Dichotomous Key, Macro Invertebrates